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Perm Gone Wrong

Curling your hair on a morning can be a huge hassle. Achieving perfect waves for a special occasion is another much more pressing matter altogether. Imagine waking up in time for the event with your hair ‘naturally’ wavy. This is what so many women dream of. For many, having a perm can solve years of problems. Gorgeous curls that can last for days and weeks rather than minutes can be what you’ve always wanted. If you have committed and booked a perm at your hair stylists, your expectations will be high and the possibility of it going wrong in the hands of an expert is not one you want to think about. Unfortunately, for someone whose perm is handled badly and becomes a nightmare rather than their dream look, they can be faced with a long and traumatic road to recovery.

PermA woman had been preparing for her wedding day for the last two years, making sure everything is perfect down to the last tiny detail. The style of her hair and that of her bridesmaids were naturally of top concern. Her bridesmaids all had perms so they could achieve ‘long flowing locks’ that would suit the theme of the wedding perfectly.  She wanted to make sure her hair was looking its finest at her wedding and so decided to go for a perm a few weeks earlier to make sure it had time to grow into the soft wave she desired.  She had a consultation to discuss whether her hair was suitable to perm making it clear that she coloured her hair at home. Her hairdresser assured her that her hair was strong and a ‘perm would look lovely’. She chose to go ahead with a perm to achieve the curls she dreamed of.

While at the hairdressers having her perm done, the woman was concerned that the apprentice had left the solution on for longer than the allotted time, and then did not wash the chemicals out as thoroughly as expected. When the hairdresser began to remove the rods from the woman’s hair, some of her hair broke off and the salon’s hairdressers were actually forced to cut off some of her hair.

When she arrived home, she left her hair to dry naturally. She was dismayed to find that it had dried into a knotty ‘fuzz ball’ that stuck up. The next morning she returned to the salon to request assistance and advice.  Her hairdressers concluded that her hair had been over-processed. They recommended she try four further treatments to improve her hairstyle.  These did not work as her hair either broke off or had to be cut.

Perm Gone WrongThe stress and anxiety caused by this woman’s badly permed hair led to her suffering from sleep loss and eventually being prescribed sleeping tablets by her doctor.  In her worry and upset she spent large amounts of money on ‘fixing protein products’ and many other care products in an attempt to improve her hair situation.  Unfortunately these were without success.  Her only real option was to wait for her hair to grow and to have the damaged parts cut off.

The result of these few weeks of stress was that she postponed the wedding.  She had ‘lost her confidence’ and felt her wedding day would be ‘unhappy’ if she went ahead whilst being so distressed over her badly damaged hair. A situation such as this woman’s demonstrates the disastrous consequences hairdresser negligence can have. Loss of self-esteem is common when people have a haircut they are not comfortable or happy with. A bad haircut is emotionally damaging making people feel self-confident and embarrassed. When the hair is damaged beyond repair by a hairdresser’s actions, the result is long-term harm. People who suffer in the same way as this woman have been subjected to unnecessary stress and upset that could have been avoided by more conscientious hairdressing.

Email ButtonIf you feel that your hairdresser was at fault and your perm has gone wrong you may have a case and be entitled to compensation towards any extra hair treatments that were required to help rectify the damage and for the emotional injury you may have suffered due to your disastrous hairstyle.

Our experts at Macks Solicitors will be happy to provide free advice on how to make a compensation claim. To receive advice and help for your situation you can call Free phone 0800 980 9389 or 01642 252828, visit our website at and complete an online claim form. At Macks Solicitors, we are proud of both our expertise and our strong customer service. Making a claim for the extra expenses and your emotional and physical injuries should not be a hassle, and we aim to provide you with our quality caring service.